

Brendan is horseman, chef, and lover of music. Raised in Texas, as a teenager he lived with a family in France, where he fell in love with the Alps, cooking, and travel. He returned to France in his twenties to cook and guide for a chalet in Chamonix. He then trained at the French Culinary Institute in NYC, and began cooking under the city's top chefs. Eleven years ago, he left the big city seeking outdoor adventure and natural beauty. He's since guided in high alpine-elk hunting camps in the Yellowstone region, eco-preserves in Chilean Patagonia, and a working cattle ranch on the island of Kauai. He even studied Outdoor Education with NOLS Alaska. When not guiding with Austin Adventures, Brendan leads immersive cultural and culinary tours in Mexico, Morocco, and Europe.


What's Your Favorite Travel Destination?

Patagonia! It's like going back in time!

What's Your Favorite Adventure Activity

Horseback-riding and trail-running.

What has Been Your Most Inspiring Adventure Experience?

I spent 30 days kayaking and backpacking in the Alaskan wilderness studying leadership skills, "Leave No Trace" principles, and public land usage practices with the NOLS Alaska program. I never forgot swimming in the Prince William Sound on Day One. It was so clear and cold! Traveling 12 hours a day, through different terrain and ecosystems was incredible. Our expedition team fought through bad weather, formed strong bonds, and saw so much wild beauty! When we got back to base camp and went over our route from over thirty days traveling in the wilderness, I realized we had only seen a speck of the region. I was humbled by our limits, and inspired to keep exploring!

What's Your Favorite Austin Adventures Trip?

Yellowstone! Because that's my next one!

When Did You First Get the Travel Bug?

At age 14, I did an exchange program in France for six months. The family that I lived with taught me to speak another language, they took me hiking in the Alps, and introduced me to a whole new culture. This experience helped shape my view of the world, and I am so thankful to be close with them still.

What Destination Would You Most Like to Travel To?

New Zealand for the diversity of ecosystems.

What Are Your Favorite Hobbies or Special Talents?

Working with horses, and learning new languages.